Moving average price is an inventory costing method where the average price is calculated after obtaining the goods. It is also a challenge to consultants to explain system logic to finance teams in such scenarios.īefore getting into too many details, let’s first discuss what their different meanings are. Sometimes, a big challenge that a finance team faces is to understand the financial document entries in the long purchase order (PO) history, and communicate them with other business teams. General ledger (GL) accounts are posted differently in the different cases, and the sequence of goods receipt and invoice receipt also increases the complexity. There are a few complex scenarios in which you could be purchasing different types of materials and dealing with goods receipts or invoice receipts in an SAP system. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the differences between the two. I> pirl of ABC Comumtr Magaiinei, Jnt, Out o( the ABC I'ublishlnR Comp,inlei: ABC i'uhHjhliiB, PrealdenI, Koberl G.In any SAP system (SAP ERP or SAP S/4HANA), there are two basic types of price control for materials: moving average price and standard price. Entire coilient* copytighl «19B6 by COMPUTU Publications, Inc. Snond clasi applicjliim pendins ill Gi«?nsboro."^C 2740J jnd addilional mailing allien.

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